Thursday 16 July 2015

What is Cyber Hygiene?

  1. Cyber Hygiene refers to the steps that computer users can take to improve their cyber security and better protect themselves online.
  2. Steps:
  3. 1. Count: Know what’s connected to and running on your network;
  4. 2. Configure: Implement key security settings to help protect your systems;
  5. 3. Control: Limit and manage those who have admin privileges to change, bypass, or override your security settings;
  6. 4. Patch: Regularly update all apps, software and operating systems; and
  7. 5. Repeat: Regularize the Top Priorities to form a solid foundation of cyber security for your organization.

A technical cyber mess can occur because of absence of the following:
  • AAA – Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
  • Access Controls – Data Level and Function Level Access Controls
  • Monitoring – Security Monitoring and Security Intelligence
  • Plan – Incident Response Plan
  • Security Patches and Remediation process – Vulnerability Management
  • Managed Cyber Risks – Continued Risk Assessments
Non-technical issues mainly concentrate on absence of employee training, security awareness, organization policies and social engineering awareness.
Source #Internet

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